ARP Pakistan

ARPD’s Outreach Disability Camps:

In Pakistan, a staggering 95 million individuals, constituting 40 percent of the population, lives below the poverty line. 62 percent of the population lives in rural and remote areas.  These regions often confront the harsh reality of limited access to healthcare and constrained funding for essential medical services. Adding to this complexity, an estimated 6 percent of Pakistan’s population grapples with some form of disability. Amidst these formidable obstacles, the Association for the Rehabilitation of the Physically Disabled (ARPD) emerges as a beacon of hope.

Conducting Outreach Disability Camps:

Economically disadvantaged individuals with disabilities in remote areas encounter a unique set of challenges owing to their geographical isolation and limited access to vital resources and services. ARPD takes proactive steps by organizing Outreach Disability Camps several times a year in these far-flung regions. These camps serve as lifelines for communities that are often marginalized due to their remote locations.

Multifaceted Services:
ARPD’s dedicated team, comprising of doctors, physiotherapists, and experts, embarks on these journeys to assess patients and provide them with access to healthcare and vital medical services. They conduct informative sessions with villagers to raise awareness about the challenges associated with disabilities in rural areas, and discuss disability prevention techniques fostering a deeper understanding of the issues at hand.
Free Medical Assistance:
One of the hallmarks of these camps is the provision of free medication to patients who require it. This initiative aims to alleviate the economic burden that healthcare expenses can impose on impoverished individuals living with disabilities in remote areas.
Outreach Diasability Program
Identifying Deserving Cases:

ARPD’s dedicated staff assesses patients in these remote villages, identifying those most in need of intensive care. The most deserving cases are offered the opportunity to receive inpatient services at ARPD’s rehabilitation facility, ensuring that they receive the comprehensive care they require.

Empowering Through Education:

These disability camps are well-publicized in advance, enabling individuals with disabilities to anticipate the dates and locations. ARPD’s commitment extends beyond immediate healthcare needs; they also maintain patient records to gather vital statistics, contributing to a deeper understanding of the challenges faced in these remote regions. Additionally, the ARPD team conducts on-site training for family members of individuals with disabilities, equipping them with knowledge and skills in rehabilitation exercises they can administer at home.
ARPD’s Outreach Disability Camps stand as a testament to their unwavering dedication to improving the lives of economically disadvantaged individuals with disabilities in rural and remote areas. Through these camps, ARPD not only offers vital medical services but also fosters awareness, empowerment, and a brighter, more inclusive future for these underserved communities.