ARP Pakistan

27th All Pakistan Special Games was held in Abbottabad in 2020. ARPD’s sports team participated in
the event. ARPD’s sports team won 13 Medals in different games. Gulshan was the only player in the 27th
Abbottabad Sports Festival, who took part in two games (table tennis, powerlifting) and won gold
ARPD’s sports team took part in different games and grabbed medals.
Abdullah- Gold in Table Tennis Standing
Gulshan- Gold in Table Tennis Standing
Gulshan- Gold in Power Lifting
Waqar Ali- Gold in Badminton Upper Double
Akmal- Silver in Wheelchair Race (Junior)
Robeena- Silver in Table Tennis (Wheelchair)
Gulshan- Runner-up in Wheelchair Cricket (ARPD women cricket team)
Hidayat- Silver in Badminton Upper Double